Jerry’s Blog

What's Done What Isn't []

Most of the information on the "about" section menu is done except for the "favorite things" section. The music archive could use some work everywhere, but "the noise vaults," "absynthium collective," and "songs with words" have all of the music available. The project warlock page has nothing on it but the soundtrack links. "classic doom" has a lot of pages and page starts but isn't fully finished, nor are any of my own personal mods I wanted to share on this one. "classic gaming gems" has more or less nothing except for "windows entertainment pack" which is downloadable and playable within a dosbox emulator included running old 90's windows. the "interact" section doesn't have much anyway but most is done except for anyone active in "hypernations" or in my borrowed irc channel. The "links repository" could use some work, as all the links are from old links pages. "Everything else" leads to a broken page and a link to "X-Boards" and will eventually be a full menu worth of stuff.

So yeah, music. That's available. Enjoy!